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30 years ago, I developed a new and superior language design in Germany. For effective persuasion, better and faster understanding, longer remembrance and higher sales rate. Leading German biz papers published enthusiastic features about it.

25 years ago I invented the first fully automatic PR system in Germany, facilitating the launch of sophisticated whole PR campaigns with a single click. Again: Leading German biz papers published enthusiastic features about it.

And in between we invented the first methodology for creating corporate slogans and other communications innovations. 

In other words: LS Advanced Communications holds the key to advanced communications. With tons of practical experience. And state of the art of Communications Psychology and Communications Efficiency.

This know how is now available in Cyprus. So far that’s all we want you to know.  

Untitled-5.jpg Leo Sucharewicz

Germanys former leading Communications Psychologist.


Now in Cyprus.


With the experience of 1.800 Seminars, Coachings, Consultings.


For Clients like IBM, Siemens, intel, Olivetti, Accenture, Boston Consulting Group, Canon, German Army, Bavarian Ministry of Environment, 3M, Astra Zeneca, BMW, Daimler Chrysler, Essex Pharma, Kingston Technology, Mars, ORACLE, SPSS, T-Online, LMU University Munich.  

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